TALISMAN is a company located in Trás-dos-Monte and dedicated to the production and marketing of organic extra virgin olive oil and bases its strategy and positioning on quality, sustainability and support for local farmers and producers.
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It results from the harvest of olives of the Santulhana, Verdial Transmontana and Cobrançosa varieties and originates from the traditional olive grove.
The olive oil they produce, the TALISMAN brand, is an endogenous product that has contributed a lot to the valorization and economic development of the rural areas of Talhas and Trás-os-Montes, resulting from the harvest of the Santulhana, Verdial Transmontana and Cobrançosa olive varieties. and originates from the traditional dryland olive grove.
The brand’s main objective is the cultural framework of the region and the markets based on the aforementioned high quality concerns, which it proposes to respond to by offering an olive oil with unique characteristics.